Thursday, March 17, 2011

Girls Rule and Boys Drool; Well Maybe?

So I'm a Girl Power! advocate, especially in science.  Women have made huge contributions to modern society, which may go unrecognized.  I want your opinion did girls rule, and boys drool or were boys the true kings of scientific discover? 

Support your opinion by describing each classical experiment and indicate how it provided evidence for the chemical nature of the gene.
    1. Hershey and Chase- bacteriophage replication
    2. Griffith and Avery, MacLeod and McCarty- bacterial transformation
    3. Meselson and Stahl- DNA replication in bacteria
    4. Wilkins and Franklin-X-ray crystallography

1 comment:

  1. Sheniqua, I need your opinion were men or women the pioneers to genetic discovery?
